Take Advantage of same-day, round-trips flights from Jacksonville to Tallahassee with Whooshfly


Say Hello to Better Travel

Jacksonville, FL to Tallahassee, FL

Avoid driving 4-5 hours. Be there in fewer than 90 Minutes
Say Bye to hassles of commercial travel
Be Home in time for Dinner

You’re already aware of the benefits of flying private. You may even be familiar with the Whooshfly platform – a revolutionary system that’s taking the industry by storm. But our premier concierge service, Whooshfly Elite™, sets a new standard in the private aviation industry.

Why Whooshfly

  • Whooshfly is providing the platform to enable selected FAA-certified operators to offer same-day round-trip flights between Jacksonville and Tallahassee on small single and twin-engine aircrafts (and yes, a couple of jets too!)
  • You can fly in and out of two small executive airports with free parking and short lines.
  • Using Whooshfly’s proprietary “flight-sharing” app, you can get there at a fraction of the cost of a private charter.

What do you get?

  • Get there fast. Travel time is cut down to 1.15 to 1.75 hours per leg*
  • Avoid traffic. No sitting in rush hour traffic, or getting stuck on I-10 in a traffic jam.
  • Stress-free flying. All the comforts and convenience of private travel, including complimentary Wifi or entertainment systems**.
  • VIP flying without the VIP cost. Fly like a VIP and pay as you go: no yearly membership fees or inflated hourly fees that our competitors typically charge.

How Flight-Sharing works

The privacy, productivity, efficiency and convenience make flying private a smarter (and let’s be honest – more exciting) option when traveling for business or leisure. And with Whooshfly’s flight-sharing platform, it’s more affordable than ever!

Here’s how it works:

    • Download the Whooshfly app from the app store.
    • Go to Bulletin Board (Trip Share™) and see if anyone has already created a trip that you can join as a rider.
    • Request to join the trip. The system will notify you as soon as you are accepted by the Trip Owner to join.
  • Once accepted by the trip owner, pay for your share of the flight and e-sign.
– OR –
    • Request a new flight for yourself: enter your itinerary.
    • Compare quotes from qualified and FAA-certified operators.
    • Select the flights that work best for you and your crew:
    • Committed “Flight-Share” – Book the flight whether other people join you or not. Every time someone books a seat, you get refunded for that person’s share.
    • Un-committed “Flight-Share”. The flight is booked only after it is filled to capacity. You are not committed until that time.
    • Post on our Bulletin Board (Trip Share™) OR Share and invite friends on social media to split the cost.
  • Confirm booking by signing the charter agreement and get ready to experience the joys of private flight.
– OR – We know this is a totally new, revolutionary concept, so feel free to call us anytime at 844.777.7654 or email concierge@wordpress-959030-3346386.cloudwaysapps.com and we will be glad to walk you through the system.
We’d love to get you to your next destination.
Download the app and start planning your next trip today!
We’d love to get you to your next destination.
Download the app and start planning your next trip today!
Learn more by visiting Whooshfly.com/travelers or concierge@wordpress-959030-3346386.cloudwaysapps.com // 844.777.7654
Own The Air